Romania scoasa de pe harta Blizzard

In urma cu ceva timp, am anuntat cu mandrie calificarea jucatorului neXtPlease! Gaming, Silviu ‘NightEnd’ Lazar, la BattleNet European Finals. Din pacate, invitatia lui Silviu la acest eveniment offline a fost retrasa, pe motiv ca Romania nu este pe lista tarilor agreeate de Blizzard.
Imediat dupa inchiderea ladder-ului de calificare, jucatorul nostru a primit o invitatie [...]

Start Wars: The Old Republic

The Sacking of Coruscant. It was the crowning achievement of the Sith Empire’s ambitious military strategy and the moment that changed the history of the Old Republic forever. You may have read about it before, but our first cinematic trailer captures this event with breathtaking action and beautiful detail.

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